With all the criticism of the "West" (European nations and the US) for not being tolerant of people
of the Muslim faith it occurred to me the West has been the most tolerant and accepting of diverse
people of any nation I can think of.
But, this does not seem to matter to those interested in advancing agendas, unappreciative of the
the hospitality of the countries they immigrate to. They don't seek equality, they demand their
faith be the foundation of law in their adopted homes.
What is occurring is a organized campaign to change Western nations from their own historical heritage.
Muslim immigrants have no interest in melding into the local customs and the culture of host countries,
only to replace them with one based on Islam.
This will continue as long as the governments of Western nations refuse to protect their own citizens and
institutions. Unchallenged by the political class who refuses to uphold the laws of their own nations this
will lead to an end of a national culture replaced by an intolerant ideology based on a faith.
The finality will occur once the new immigrants, whose population growth is outdistancing that of the citizens
in Europe, become the majority of the political class and rewrite laws to mode their adopted nations to mirror
the countries they emigrated from.
Wonder what the architects of such policy will think then....
Summer 2012 Update!
14 years ago
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