No surprise the N&O continues to disparage the new, more conservative,
school board.
This issue is not about "back sliding" or "re segregation" by income or race,
although many may want the public to believe this. It is simply an attempt to
address a problem which has yet to be resolved and using diversity as the
The new majority knows they were not elected "to even out the percentages of
students from poor families in each school." Their responsibility is to ensure
all Wake children get the best education our county can provide, and take corrective
measures at schools which are failing.
Up until the last school board election the focus was on appealing to Federal desires,
meeting goals of keeping out of "high-poverty category" and "diversity benchmarks".
Is this really what poor families want, to not be stuck in a category? I doubt they do.
Parents want to know each day their child attends a school where they can learn, be
inspired and even excel, which will provide an educational foundation to last their lifetime.
The previous board should have strengthened the education process at poor performing
schools by providing additional resources, extending periods in core subjects, even
extending school day hours. This does more to educate these children than busing them elsewhere.
The paper offers a final comment to challenge the belief that children
would be better off in community schools,
stating the "evidence suggests just the opposite"
Too bad the paper ran out of space to show this evidence to its
readers. Perhaps on another day.
Summer 2012 Update!
14 years ago
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