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Sunday, November 7, 2010

"Our contaminated election process"

Here is something I put together which I believe will strengthen the electoral process. I understand any meaningful changes will be resisted  as leaving the current system in place allow political parties and interest groups to frame the discussion, mold the thinking of the public, and leverage their power to influence legislation.

I would appreciate your feedback,
"Our contaminated election process"

The greatest nation, built on the strongest governing foundation in history is powered by a corrupt and unfair electoral system that benefits a powerful political class at the expense of very the people elected officials claim to represent.

Before our nation can be governed with "political purity" the electoral system must be reconstructed, weakening the influence of the political parties, limit the amount and use of money in campaigns. and restrict contributions only from individuals.

Problems which need to be addressed.

I.      Legislative process too political....representatives vote along party lines  to ensure party support.

II.    Unelected special interests are too powerful...maintain strong influence on legislation.

III.  Campaign funds  freely used, transferred and saved for future campaigns.

IV.  The American people involvement in the process is weaker than it should be.

To begin...................

None of the following can be done unless the American people demand Congress adopts meaningful changes.

A. Restrict political contributions to individuals with a limit on the amount.

This ensures only the American people will fund campaigns.

B. Prohibit all corporations, unions, political parties and  organizations from contributing to a candidate.
This prevents interest groups and political parties from tilting a campaign to their preferred candidate, co-opting the
role of the American people who elect the candidate.

C. Contributions by out of state residents are prohibited.

This ensures only state residents can fund campaigns.

D. Contributions can only be used by the candidate and not be transferred to other campaigns.

This ensures donations are spent  on campaigns and not used as "bargaining chips" among representatives.

E. Unspent funds turned over to the Federal  Election Commission after the election.

This prevents campaigns from building up "war chests" for future campaigns.

F. Candidates will be allowed an equal "voice" to media editorials in support of their opponent.

This ensures media companies cannot use their power to influence an election with the advantage their resources provide.

The preceding recommendations, even a few of them, would never be accepted by Congress, the political parties and special interests which may be the very reason they should be adopted.

I cannot disagree more.  Funding and supporting candidates is a form of participation and freedom of expression that should not be curtailed (See Constitution, Ammendment 1).
The answer is simple.  All contributions from individuals and groups (corporations, lobby groups, moveon.org, etc) are directed to a specific candidate through a BLIND TRUST ENTIYY which is forbidden by law from disclosing the contributor.  The contributor is prevented by law (and serious consequences) from disclosing his/her contribution to ANYONE (especially the recipient).  Without knowing the contributors, there can be no more quid pro quo.
Bingo!  No more special interests!
Unfortunately, I can't agree with you're plan.  Elections are just too expensive to run with only the support or the people.  I think that this would just lead to rich people being able to buy elections.  Like the Bloombergs and the Corzines of the world, they're rich and their friends are rich.  I have a friend who is the Republican Finance Chairman for the State of New Jersey.  Cliff's name is in the corners stone of the Holocost Museum in Washington, DC, that's at least a $20M donation.  Cliff is a wonderful person, and a wonderful husband and father, but his best friend was Christine Todd Whitman, he got her elected, and she was a disaster for New Jersey.  Christine was a grass roots candidate, but I do know how much it costs just to do a phone survey.  We'll just end up with people who don't have influence, and don't have the benefit of rich friends which creates the problems, but they are also the people who build universities.  Big companies and TV stations are a way of life.  Thank God for the investigative reporter who we need, love and hate all at the same time.  After 2000 years, we are just starting a third party, and it's going to take a long time for them to be a viable party to stop control of either party, but they also don't have the money to fight the big parties without campagin donations.  Let's just pray that the house and senate go Republican so that we once again have some checks and balances in the government and that Reid and Pelossi will have their power taken away.  I remember when I was excited that a woman became the Speaker, boy was I wrong.
Anyway, you wanted some comments.
Have a great day, Eileen

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